Alright, I am finally starting up my cloth reviews!
We will start with Why?
Cloth diapers are GREAT! But in addition to this fact they are economical(save around $2000 total!), eco friendly, safe for baby, and super cute! I love being able to choose what fabrics and chemicals are against my babes bum! They have every fabric! Cotton, hemp, bamboo, fleece, wool ect. You can even choose organic. In addition to this we also make our own wipe solution (for our flannel wipes) so I have a lot of say in what EJ is exposed to. We use a perry bottle filled with water, about 1-2 tablespoons vinegar, and a dime sized amount of California baby body wash. This has been the best solution for us!
I just love cloth!
Cloth diapering has never been easier than today! We have such a vast array of choices. There are flats and prefolds, fitteds, pockets, AIO (all in ones), and AI2 (all in twos). There is literally something for everyone. With pockets and AIO's they are just as easy to use as a disposable. Instead of throwing away you simply wash!
Washing diapers does not have to be difficult. I try to make it as easy as possible. First thing to do is to get your detergent. I use Arm and Hammer for sensitive skin because it is easy to find at the store and EJ has never had a reaction to this. I did try Crunchy Clean due to the rave reviews, but poor EJ is just so sensitive and would break out in a horrible rash everytime. I have also heard great things about Charlies and Allens.
After you get your detergent, you need to set up a routine. I wash every 2-3 days. I do a cold prewash with no detergent, then a hot wash (the longest available) with detergent and then a second rinse. Remember to only use 1/4-1/2 the recommended amount of detergent to avoid build up!
To dry I usually dry on the lowest setting available. However, I do love hanging them out to dry when I can. Nothing, and I mean nothing, gets stains out better than the sun!
It really is not hard at all. Once you get your routine down it just become habit!
How to get started? What to get and how many?
For newborns I recommend about two dozen diapers. You can change around 12 diapers a day and that really adds up! So it depends on how often you want to wash.
As far as what type of diaper to get, everyone has a personal favorite.
When I started out I was willing to try prefolds due to their low cost. I did end up getting quite a few different types of diapers and I think they all have their purpose. I strongly recommend getting a little bit of everything to decide what you really love. Every type of diaper works so differently, has different absorbancy levels, fits very differently (even one size) and will just suite your needs diferently. So try different ones before you commit your entire stash to one diaper!
In addition to diapers, you will need wipes, wipe solution, a wet bag, and any extras you might need like snappis and liners. *As far as wipes go, you can actually make your own very easily! Just cut up some flannel and there ya go!
I have shopped at many different online stores. Kelly's Closet is one of my favorites! I also like Nikkis diapers, Cotton babies, Abbeys lane, and Mothers milk boutique. Some of them even have free shipping!
All in all, cloth diapering can be a very enjoyable, rewarding, and even addictive thing! Don't be afraid to give it a try!
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
As if pictures were not enough, now you get to see our videos!
Heres a video of EJ's first bath yesterday and a video of the first time Austin got to see EJ in the NICU.
Austin meets EJ from E Nault on Vimeo.
first bath from E Nault on Vimeo.
Heres a video of EJ's first bath yesterday and a video of the first time Austin got to see EJ in the NICU.
Austin meets EJ from E Nault on Vimeo.
first bath from E Nault on Vimeo.
3 weeks!
Well I can not believe it has been three weeks already. March is here and that is amazing to me. This year is already going way too fast. I have truly loved every minute though so far. There have been hard times of course, but I love my family and I love my little cuties. Being home is a dream come true and I get to finally witness every minute and all the little miracles that happen every day. What a blessing....
Okay so on the pictures because, after all, it is picture tuesday!
EJ had his first real bath now that he has a "normal" belly button! Here is the proof and he loved it!

These pictures are from this morning when we were having quiet time. As you can see Austin LOVES his little brother so much. He told me he wants seven more brothers and wants to name one trooper and another one darth vader....hmmm too much star wars???

On another note EJ's reflux is worse and I really think he has some colic BUT it is not too too bad yet. I am hoping this is as bad as it gets. I love him so much and I hate to see him in pain! We haven't given him any formula in over a week now and he is still gaining tons! Yay milk supply! He was 8lbs 9oz yesterday at the drs. He has a suspicious birth mark on his belly that we have to watch but other than that we finally got the all clear! What a great day!
Okay so on the pictures because, after all, it is picture tuesday!
EJ had his first real bath now that he has a "normal" belly button! Here is the proof and he loved it!

These pictures are from this morning when we were having quiet time. As you can see Austin LOVES his little brother so much. He told me he wants seven more brothers and wants to name one trooper and another one darth vader....hmmm too much star wars???

On another note EJ's reflux is worse and I really think he has some colic BUT it is not too too bad yet. I am hoping this is as bad as it gets. I love him so much and I hate to see him in pain! We haven't given him any formula in over a week now and he is still gaining tons! Yay milk supply! He was 8lbs 9oz yesterday at the drs. He has a suspicious birth mark on his belly that we have to watch but other than that we finally got the all clear! What a great day!
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