Mr. camo got a hair cut. All ready for school. Except I am totally not. I don't want him to go back. I miss him too much.
Ej has been sleeping in so these two were bug hunting in the wee hours with out him. He has been having a hard going to sleep at night and sometimes staying up till 9:30 even though we put them to bed before 8. Hoping he goes to bed earlier once school starts. He keeps Austin awake too.
My little pretzel eater. He loves pretzels.
And his eyes are still super blue. I still think they will go green like Ej's though. We will see!
He is getting so stinkin big. They should not be allowed to grow this fast.
Watching storm clouds roll in. We love watching the rain.
And Austin loves his cat!!!
And she loves him just as much :)
Slow down summer. We want every last moment!!!