Every possible emotion rushed through me. I was so very excited and more than a little nervous. This was the start of my eighth pregnancy after all. But, I was covered in a peace and a joy that the Lord had given me. I knew everything would be okay. I knew you would make it into my arms. If only I had known everything you would bring!
5 weeks 5 days I believe. We were able to see your heart beat and you measured perfectly!
Here we were at the Peri's office at about 22 weeks! You weighed a little more than one pound here! This is where we found out you were a boy!!
Here we were at about 35 weeks. Look at your cheeks!!!
I was so excited, so thrilled. Overjoyed!
Daddy cutting the cord!!
My labor was long (24 hours total) but easy and very enjoyable!! We played games and told stories while we waited for you! Then finally we were ready, and three pushes later, you were born!!
February 10, 2010 was the day you changed our lives!
You had a rough start due to you being born with pneumonia. You were taken away mere hours after your birth to Children's hospital which was three hours away. I had to wait to be discharged the next morning. That night I was so scared we were going to loose you. I prayed for you and I started to learn all about real faith.
Daddy got to hold you for the first time! Your big brother was so excited to meet you!
He loves you so much! We couldn't wait to bring you home!
You did come home! I couldn't have imagined the love you would bring into our home!
Second month!
In this month your jaundice was fading and your little personality was starting to emerge! You started sleeping better and were more awake! I love this face you made!
Third month!
You were getting over the most of your health issues by this point and life had fallen into a beautiful rhythm. You were really close to sleeping through the night and were such a sweet baby. A snuggler from the start, you spent most of your time in the sling.
Your first Easter!
Fourth month!
This month was filled with happiness!! We moved to Texas, you were rolling around, sleeping through the night in your own crib, babbling, and starting solids! You were such a joy!
Fifth month!
This month you were really coming into your own! Laughing and playing all the time! You started saying "night-night" and dada! Eating was going great and your favorite thing was applesauce! You loved your big brother and would just smile and smile!
Sixth month!
This month was so easy going! You were happy almost all of the time. Still in good health, we just enjoyed everything the day brought! Learning how to say mama made my heart almost explode!
Seventh month!
This is the month that we struggled for the first time with some illness. We struggled to get you to eat, but besides that you were still your sweet loving self. You had a passion for the outdoors and were sitting up all by yourself. You loved to play with your toys!
Eighth month!
You spent a lot of this month in the hospital! You remeber when I said while you were in the NICU, I was learning about faith? Well I needed it more than ever this month. There were times when I didn't think you would make it. You were so very sick. But I gave it to Jesus and I thank you, my sweet baby, for teaching me to trust...
Ninth month!
We came home and we were confronted by our new normal. Things had changed quite a bit and it was a period of adjustment. I was so very thankful for every day, no every moment with you. My baby...
We spent more time at the hospital too...
Tenth month!
This month was a huge catch up month for you! You finally started pulling yourself up, pushing your self into a sitting position, talking again, and over all started to stabilize. Your army crawling is precious! Your eating picked up and you were gaining weight! I was so proud of you!!! We did spend a day in the hospital for an infection, but were very lucky you did so well!!!
This picture makes me laugh! You are so excited!
Eleven months!
Last month was amazing! Your full personality was bubbling to the surface and I was amazed! You were crawling with your tummy off the floor and cruising very well. You were becoming very vocal and have no issues yelling for attention!! You were still very attached to mommy and daddy but we didn't mind! Eating was no longer an issue and you would inhale three large meals a day plus nurse like a champion! You started sorting your toys and you loved to do puzzles and read!
Twelve glorious months!!!!!!!
What can I say to truly do you justice? This year, this amazing year, has left me almost speechless. I love you more than you could ever imagine. You are still crawling like an olympian and your cruising is so confident. You will be walking soon I know it! You have three teeth on the bottom but two on top are poking through. You talk all the time, you love to color, you like to explore, play with Austin, you can point to your eyes and say "eyes" and you also know your nose and mouth. You laugh all the time, love kisses and snuggles, and you favorite thing is your silky blanket. You love all your toys especially your new mailbox and all your balls. You LOVE to play ball! You eat constantly. Seriously! You love anything! You hate being changed and being dressed. You always have! You want to go go go!! I still wear you in the sling and I love to rock you and to read to you. This morning when you woke up, I picked you up and kissed all over your cheeks, remember? What you didn't know is that I inhaled so deeply so that I could permanently lock away your smell. I love to nuzzle into you and just breathe. Everything in life becomes calmer and just...better. You make my life better. You are my light, my love. You are my beautiful blue eyed masterpiece. My angel. You have taught me so much. I have grown so much. You are so strong and so magnificent. I can't imagine life without you. I wish I could just hold you forever. How are you already ONE year old? How does that happen? Thank you for a year I will never forget. Thank you for choosing me to go on this journey with...
Love you so much- Mommy
who is the birthday boy????
I am!!
Sorry for the quality of pics! I had some interesting issues uploading! I guess thats why the sizing is off! Also, yes, EJ does have a snotty nose. Poor baby has been sick with a cold for a solid week. These were his presents from his grandma!! Thank you so much Cheryl!!
I can't wait for his party tomorrow!!!!!! Happy Birthday EJ!!!!
happy beautiful birthday EJ!! Wonderful post!!
Happy birthday sweetie EJ!!!
Happy Birthday EJ! You made me tear up! Beautiful post. :)
One word...BEAUTIFUL...what a little ray of sunshine...Happy Birthday EJ..your so darn cute!! X
Happy Birthday EJ!!! Such a cutie!
Happy Birthday, EJ!
happy birthday sweet EJ!:) XO
Happy Birthday EJ!!! What a special day!! He is just precious!
Amazing. Really. I just loved this and am in awe at your pure sweet love for this precious miracle!
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