Ej is now 16 months old. One year and four months. I just can't believe it. Seriously, he is growing so fast. We had a rough week this past week because his nap schedule is all over the place. He was doing so well, but all of a sudden refused to nap and then consequently wouldn't go to sleep at night till around 10. He was so fussy and so over tired. The past two days he has been napping again and going to bed at 8 like normal. I think things are leveling back out finally. He finally cut his fourth bottom tooth and now has eight teeth total BUT his molars are just poking through. No doubt that these are the culprit for the sleep issues.
He is 74 centimeters (29 inches long) and 10.6 kilos (23.4 pounds), still on the small side but he is growing. His favorite foods are pickles, cheese, and any and all meat! He loves pasta as well. Popsicles are a favorite of both boys, especially in this heat, and EJ loves bananas and apples. Veggies we are working on but he does like corn, potatoes and peas.
He is definitely a mommas boy in every sense and still likes to keep me in sight. Unless, of course, we are out in public. Then the little turkey LOVES to go off exploring. His favorite thing as of this week are bugs. He is obsessed with ants and all things creepy crawly. He is definitely a little wild thing.
I worry what the 2's will bring lol!! But what do I expect from a red headed little boy, HA! I am so thankful for this little miracle and he truly does complete our family.
Austin is a child and a half. He has me going and he NEVER stops. He is so full of energy and excitement, he will definitely brighten your day!
He is incredibly intelligent and very sensitive. Unlike EJ, Austin is very analytical. He evaluates everything. He has come out of his shell dramatically though. He use to be so shy it was paralyzing for him. Now he is a lot more outgoing and a lot more openly inquisitive. He does tend to have a bit of a temper but we are working on patience (particularly with EJ :).
He is a great big brother though and shares with Easton so much. He is kind and caring. He is a little warrior with such a kind heart. He LOVES animals and loves anything army. He is big into fishing and exploring with Daddy now. He adores our lab Bella, as they are best friends. Star Wars is still a favorite and he aspires to be a Clone trooper. He is excited about homeschooling and I just can't wait till we can do that together. Also, I am waiting to see what team we are assigned in soccer. You better believe that will be photo overload!
His hair is a force to be reckoned with and we are talking about a hair cut. We just cant agree on which style! We will see who wins out! (Adam and I, Austin doesn't really care too much!)
He is such a good eater and his favorite things are cheese, salads, and fruit. Berries are his favorite and this kid will eat whole cartons of blueberries and strawberries in a single setting. He definitely has a sweet tooth like his mom!
Life with two boys is so much better than I could have ever imagined. They bless me each and every day. I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
Yet He knows the way I have taken...He will certainly accomplish what He has decreed for me...
Job 23:10, 14