love everything that is going on in this picture!
alone at last...
love photoshop
soccer star
watching the game
I never knew how much I needed these two boys until I was given them. I am so blessed and so thankful!
EJ goes back to the hematologist soon and I can't wait to see if he has grown any! He sure is changing in other ways! Just this week he started saying "phone" and he is now saying fish perfectly.His favorite thing is still a "ball" and telling people "bye". He says "night night" when he is tired and "please" when he wants something! "Love you" still sounds like "ov ewww" and his kisses melt my heart.
He absolutely loves soccer and will run onto the field in a moments notice. He can already kick the soccer ball all around the field. Watch out world!
Austin is of course still in love with them and they are playing army as I type. They normally play as puppies and crawl around the house barking and panting. I love that their imaginations are so intact and that they can feed off of each other. I am so blessed to be able to watch these two brothers play together. How I am worthy to be blessed with such beautiful boys, I will never know. I am just filled to overflowing.
Thank you for 20 months baby boy. Lets slow down just a little and not get to two so quickly, okay ;)