So here are the pictures from today. I may need to repeat the shoot a bit later, but what do you think? Are there any winners?
grabbing the falling leaves
I think this is the biggest contender, but Austin looks so sad in this...
I love this picture, but it is so blurry. darn camera.
poor thing has inherited my chapped lip gene. No matter how much chap stick we wear, we always have dragon lips.
blurry but how could I NOT post this picture!
I see you too buddy :)
leaf fights are the best!
crusty nose at all, man I love this little boy
So what do you think?
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okay, why dont you just take the best picture you have of them individually and put them on a card? I know how hard it is to get a shot of two kiddos :)
but I do like the one in the field where "austin looks sad". lol I dont think he looks that sad. good luck!
I think they look good, but as a photographer I do see the issue with your auto focus. I would definitely get it tuned up!
Over all though I think you did a good job! I like the one with your husband, but also alike the idea of using solo shots of them.
trinity, thanks girl! that is a good idea!
Thanks! The issue with my autofucus is driving me crazy. I have changed the selection dot to only the middle one and then focus right on their eyes. Then BAM, the wall is in focus but they are not? and now it is taking forever to focus and often it doesnt and just gives up. Then nothing is in focus in the whole picture. Sigh. Too bad I couldnt get a NEW camera ;)
In your photos, it looks like your AP setting is pretty open, so you could try bumping it up a bit. That way the difference between the area of focus and the surrounding areas wouldnt be as drastic. such as the wall and the boys faces. However you would need even more light for this. Maybe increasing your ISO?
thanks! I will try that. I only have a rebel xti and increasing my iso beyond 400 is horrid as far as noise goes. But if I hit a good overcast day just right I would have plenty of light for increasing my aperature. I may try that this evening!
I too think you should go with individual pics of the boys, but if you really want them together the field pic where you say he looks sad is a good one. I think he looks like he's thinking about something, not sad.
hth, and they really are all great pictures. :)
Thanks Trisha!!
I think I'm going to do the separate picture option unless by some miracle I get a fabulous shot soon :) either way my babies faces will be on a card!
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