Monday, December 21, 2009

Moving moutains!

Well, indeed, faith can move mountains!
You know what else it can do? Cause a certain little someone to gain TEN whole ounces and TWO centimeters!!!!!!

Praise the Lord!!!!He is mighty to Save!

So my sweet little boy gets to go another month without a feeding tube!

His labs were still abnormal (though normal for him). ANC was 300 and he is still really anemic. We are starting him on some iron though and that should help!

As far as his pancreatic insufficiency goes, it looks as though he has been mysteriously healed. Although it is not a mystery to me!!! The Doctors are completely baffled by this, lol! He will not have to restart his enzymes again and I'm just soooo happy!

He is still very immune compromised but we can deal with that. One thing at a time.

Our next follow up is in January and we also have an appointment with immunology at that point. Also by then we will have his shwachman test back and that will finally confirm, once and for all, whether he has that or not.

So thank you, thank you , thank you, for all of your prayers. They have moved mountains people. My baby boy gained weight!!!!!!!!!
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