Friday, June 29, 2012

11 months young

Well it is official little man. You have been mine for 11 months. Next month you will turn the big ONE and will move on to toddlerdom.
Although you are the third boy in this family, you have no problem demanding our attention. You are a screamer and very vocal. You get so excited and so angry. You are passionate like your mommy :)
You love to play and be entertained but your favorite thing is to eat. If it is not food it goes in your mouth anyway. We have to watch you like a hawk.
Your favorite foods are meat, pasta, soy yogurt, and avocado. However you will eat anything I give you!! You still nurse a lot (especially at night and in the morning) and also nurse before both of your naps during the day. You don't sleep through the night at all. Its quite horrible actually. You have obstructive sleep apnea and it wakes you up every 30 minutes. All night. You sleep with me for now until we can get the apnea situated. You started refux meds again since the ent thinks that is the cause of your inflamed tonsils/adenoids. I am hoping this works as I don't want you to have to have surgery.
You are also walking now! You still crawl when you need to go fast but you are walking more and more. It is crazy to me!

You love your brothers and your daddy so very much. You crawl like a speed racer when daddy gets home and scream like an eagle till he picks you up. You are such a sweet and happy baby! Well, unless a stranger tries to hold you. You have a pretty bad case of stranger anxiety right now. It makes going to church interesting! 

You weigh 25 pounds and are just starting to wear 18 month clothes. I think of how it must have been just yesterday that you were born and here you are walking, yelling, and just being the center of the universe :) I love you big boy, so very much. Lets let this next month go a little slower, okay?

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